(中譯歌詞) Tim Mcmorris - Superhero


I want to leap over buildings 我總希望能在大樓之間自由穿梭 Want to fly over the shores 總是想在汪洋上不斷飛翔 Save the people from the villains 總是幻想著可以拯救世界 Catch the crooks who, rob the stores 把那些做壞事的混蛋全捉起來 Write my name upon the sky 當你把我的名字寫在天上 When you call me I’ll be there 我就能如同蝙蝠俠一樣趕到你身邊 Faster then a lightning flash 我保證我會比閃電俠還快 Rushing through the, cool night air 在冷夜中為你送上温暖 Ohh, Ohh, Start ignition, count to zero 點起心中的火焰,歸根究底 I just want to be a super hero 我只是想成為一個超級英雄 Ohh, Ohh, With fearless thoughts, emotions swirled 一個無懼但又有着複雜情感的英雄 I want to be the man that, saves the world, yeah 我只是一個想成為拯救世界的男人而已 The world is full of super problems 就正正因為這個世界太令人絕望 So we made up a super man 所以我們才創造出超人來拯救我們 But he is just imaginary 但終究他也只存在在虛幻世界之中 And here we stand, without a plan 最終我們還是要無奈地面對現實 With new ideas and innovation 即使人們有著無限的創意 Man still cannot tame creation 但人始終也不能隨心所慾 And though I’m told I’ll never fly 雖然大家都說這是不可能中的不可能 That doesn’t mean that I won’t try 但這不代表我就要放棄嘗試 Ohh, Ohh, So start ignition, count to zero 點起心中的火焰,歸根究底 I just want to be a super hero 我只是想成為一個超級英雄 Ohh, Ohh, With fearless thoughts, emotions swirled 有着無畏的精神,複雜情感的英雄 I want to be the man that, saves the world 我只想成為拯救世界的男人而已

