(中譯歌詞) Alice In Chains - Rooster

稍稍介紹一下歌曲背景,這曲1993年的作品講述的是作曲者Jerry Cantrell為父親Jerry Cantrell Sr.而創作的歌曲。歌詞中的Rooster“公雞”亦正正就是父親年輕時及在越戰從軍作戰所用的綽號。

Songwriter: Jerry Cantrell Ain't found a way to kill me yet 想要殺我可不是一件容易的事 Eyes burn with stinging sweat 流不停的汗水灼痛着眼睛 Seems every path leads me to nowhere 面前的都只是一條條的死路 Wife and kids household pet 家裏妻子、孩子與寵物的安危 Army green was no safe bet 一切賭在這危機四伏的從軍路上 The bullets scream to me from somewhere 子彈從四面八方追趕着 [Repeat重覆: x2] Here they come to snuff the rooster, oh yeah 嘗試去了結“公雞”的性命 Yeah, here come the rooster, yeah 但“公雞”是時候要反擊了 You know he ain't gonna die 你知道“公雞”不會這麼簡單就死 No, no, no, you know he ain't gonna die 不,不,不,你知道他絕不會戰死沙場 Walkin' tall machine gun man 拿着機關槍的軍人昂首挺胸捍衛家園 They spit on me in my home land 在我家鄉唾棄我有機會要躺的墳墓 Gloria sent me pictures of my boy 妻子將兒子的照片寄給我帶着 Got my pills 'gainst mosquito death 身上還有的是對抗蚊蟲的藥 My buddy's breathin' his dyin' breath 戰友們貪婪地咽下最後一口氣 Oh God, please won't you help me make it through? 老天爺,可否請祢保祐我、讓我平安踏上回家的道路? Here they come to snuff the rooster, oh yeah 子彈嘗試去了結“公雞”的性命 Yeah, here come the rooster, yeah 但“公雞”是時候要反擊了 You know he ain't gonna die 你知道“公雞”不會這麼簡單就死 No, no, no, you know he ain't gonna die 不,不,不,你知道他絕不會戰死沙場


