(中譯歌詞) Reo Speedwagon - Can't fight this feeling


Writer: Kevin Cronin I can't fight this feeling any longer 我已經無法再壓抑這強烈的感情 And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow 但卻如膽小鬼一樣無法表達心意 What started out as friendship 當初的友情早已變質 Has grown stronger 對你的愛已不再是如此簡單 I only wish I had the strength to let it show 我想要的只是能表露心聲的勇氣 I tell myself that I can't hold out forever 告訴自己不能再保守這個秘密 I said there is no reason for my fear 告訴自己沒有害怕的理由 'Cause I feel so secure when we're together 只因在你身邊的我總是如此的安心 You give my life direction 你給予了我人生的方向 You make everything so clear 你讓所有的事都變得清楚簡單 And even as I wander 甚至在我漫步的時候 I'm keeping you in sight 你的身影也從未離開我的眼眸 You're a candle in the window 你就是那窗口中的蠟燭 On a cold, dark winter's night 在寒夜中照亮著我的心 And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might 我比我想像中的還要更靠近你 And I can't fight this feeling anymore 我已經無法再壓抑這強烈的感情 I've forgotten what I started fighting for 我已經無法再想起當初抗拒的理由 It's time to bring this ship into the shore 是時候讓我這艘船靠上名為你的岸邊 And throw away the oars, forever 將槳拋掉,永遠也不再起航
'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore 只因我已無法漠視對你的愛 I've forgotten what I started fighting for 我已經無法再想起當初抗拒的理由 And if I have to crawl upon the floor 即使要我匍匐在地板上 Come crashing through your door 我也會毫不猶豫的衝過在我們中間的障礙 Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore 寶貝,我再無法壓抑對你那濃烈的愛 My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you 我的人生從遇見你那刻開始早已翻天覆地 I've been running round in circles in my mind 我的腦海只能如同行星一樣 And it always seems that I'm following you, girl 不斷地環繞名為你的太陽打轉
'Cause you take me to the places 只因你總會讓我看見世界的另一面 That alone I'd never find 我自己絕不能發現的另一面 And even as I wander 甚至在我漫步的時候 I'm keeping you in sight 你的身影也從未離開我的眼眸 You're a candle in the window 你就是那窗口中的蠟燭 On a cold, dark winter's night 在寒夜中照亮著我的心 And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might 我比我想像中的還要更靠近你
And I can't fight this feeling anymore 我已經無法再壓抑這強烈的感情 I've forgotten what I started fighting for 我已經無法再想起當初抗拒的理由 It's time to bring this ship into the shore 是時候讓我這艘船靠上名為你的岸邊 And throw away the oars, forever 將槳拋掉,永遠也不再起航
'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore 只因我已無法漠視對你的愛 I've forgotten what I started fighting for 我已經無法再想起當初抗拒的理由
And if I have to crawl upon the floor 即使要我匍匐在地板上 Come crashing through your door 我也會毫不猶豫的衝過在我們中間的障礙 Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore 寶貝,我再無法克制對你那濃烈的愛

